Is My Car’s Airbag Safe or Deadly?
NHTSA ( National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) says they’re going to leave “no stone unturned” in the Takata investigation.
Today, October 23, 2014.
Search: Does it have an airbag problem? Is it safe to drive today?
Click Google search 10/23/14: NHTSA Air Bag Recall
I guess it’s encouraging to know that “NHTSA supports efforts by automakers to address the immediate risk in areasthat consistently hot, humid conditions over extended periods of time.”
The language is just a tad difficult and obtuse. ( roughly 12th grade reading level)
Undaunted I click on Honda:
(The first part of a 3 page letter appears in PDF!)
Well, is my car / am I in immediate danger?
I Click and type in air bag recall (*powered by NHTSA)
I don’t think I have an item of motor vehicle equipment on me at the moment.
(Long, complex sentence, multiple interruptive phrases and clauses/ approximately 20th grade level.
WOW NHTSA has a Facebook page!! That’ll tell me if my car has this dangerous problem.
Another example of “Communication that Isn’t – with the consumers as losers.